Igniting the sparks of hope Bearing the promises of hope


NIARC’s tireless efforts extend into the homes and hearts of the families we serve. Our endeavour is to empower those families, forging a shared path towards progress. The collective mission is to nurture every facet of each child’s well-being, encompassing the physical, developmental, social, psychosocial, and educational dimensions of care. No aspect is left unattended.

Driven by a fervent mission to address the unmet needs of the children with special needs, NIARC stands as a centre of excellence in paediatric rehabilitation. Employing an evidence-based, multidisciplinary approach, NIARC intertwines medical expertise, rehabilitation acumen, and a profound commitment to nurturing the holistic well-being of every child and their family.

The story of our unconditional commitment traces back to NEST, a group that sprang to life in 2005, inspired by the noble purpose of offering solace to the terminally ill. Today, NIARC and NEST stand hand in hand, brightening the path to a future filled with hope and well-being for all.

Why we are unique

Pressing Scenario

Amidst these challenges, the NEST International Acadamy and Research Center (NIARC) emerges as a ray of hope. With a steadfast mission to cater to the unaddressed needs of the children with special needs a, NIARC employs an evidence-based, multidisciplinary approach, offering comprehensive rehabilitation and community-based services that make a meaningful difference in their lives.

As we move forward, let us remember that the potential of the children knows no bounds. With the right support, they can become active contributors to our society, and their dreams can shine as brightly as any other child’s. We work to ensure that no child is left behind, and that every child, regardless of ability, has the opportunity to thrive and fulfil their potential.

NIARC rises, bearing the promise to ignite sparks of hope.

Empower a child, Change a Life.
Your generosity is their hope

Your generous donations help us provide education, healthcare, and a brighter future for children in need, making a lasting impact on their lives and communities

How We Care


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